Backpack TopherHack

By TopherHack

Finding Fare

Today our friends took us to a great restaurant they were introduced to by a vegan Korean friend of theirs, and it was top notch stuff.

The main dish (on the left) was a large layer of mashed pumpkin with rice on the top. In addition, it contained a whole host of ingredients you wouldn't generally put together, but it tasted great. Along with the main event of pumpkin and rice there were almonds, beans, cherry tomatoes, beansprouts, a few slices of kiwi - even cubes of watermelon sprinkled on top.
There were also great side dishes including potato and carrot, mini pancakes, mock bean 'meat' in an amazing marinade - as well as the usual array of spiced-up greens.

My highlight of the side dishes though was a chinese-style sweet and sour offering (at the front of the picture) that used a really hearty mushroom instead of meat (my Canadian friends have a blond-haired pale-skinned kid who sticks out like a sore thumb over here, I sent his cuteness up to ask for seconds, knowing full well that even the most hard-hearted of restaurant owners could never refuse).
There were also extra veggies on the side, as well as two soups served up in lovely wooden boxes - one tofu, the other pumpkin.

Best of all, this place is a five minute cycle from my work - tasty lunchtimes here I come!

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