Ring of Tyres

By Tyres

Mare's tails

We have a perennial problem with mare's tail in our veg garden. we manage to keep on top of it by persistent pulling, getting as far down as we can and leaving as little as possible. It does work, eventually but it's an ongoing battle.

One of our raised beds was needing topped up and hadn't been touched as yet this year. Which gave the mare's tail a chance to raise it game. Unfortunately for it, it also gave us a chance to rake down and get a grip of the roots and howk it out.

We raked it, combed it, and removed every bit of root we could see. Then topped up the bed with some well rotted (Vintage 2006/7) manure and planted some maincrop spuds.

Also planted the remaining bulb of garlic. It's of a variety which can be sown in Autumn or Spring. I have always planted garlic in the autumn so i bought 2 bulbs of this variety and sowed them at different times to see what difference it makes. The autumn sown ones are now about 25cm high so the ones I put in today have a lot of catching up to do.

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