
Spent a lot of the morning on the phone with A, letting her talk and try and work out what she thinks and feels. I wasn't sure whether to get stuck into the cleaning or whether to nip down to town to carry on the search for wrapping paper etc and decided since it looked bright to get the walking in first.
Managed to find a card and lovely paper, and got home just in time to get a long cold drink - very muggy!  Cleaned up the kitchen but couldn't be bothered doing more so nipped out to the supermarket to get some things for supper and the big heavy things that I don't like having to get in the local shop when I'm walking (although I got caught in a downpour on the way there!)
A had decided to do something upbeat and visited P who she said was well and, as always, delighted to see her. He wanted to show off his new rollator so she took this photo for him....
Chatted to Mt about A's birthday BBQ plans, and AR's latest awards from school (now for being 'a generous and kind friend to everyone'). They’ve just started on reading her the first in a complete set of Roald Dahl books for bedtime and is loving them, and Mt showed me her latest drawings and writing (loved "Jeesuz on a donke going to Bethleehim" riding alongside some cars and skyscrapers!)
Had a thought to make jammy dodgers for the office for the office tomorrow but my scales are very temperamental at the moment and the dough was impossible to work - I doubt these will turn out well!
Made ratatouille and pork chops for supper....not sure if I'll watch the match.... 

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