
By DonnaWanna

View From The Laundry

We have new neighbours that have recently moved into a unit at the back of our building. They are a sweet Japanese couple who are very friendly.

They run a Cosplay group, which I had never heard of and I had to google it. Cosplay is short for costume play, and is a type of performance art in which participants wear costumes and accessories to represent a specific character or idea.

This group currently like to gather in the back car park on the weekends and practice sword fighting (with fake swords) and sometimes they dress up in things like chain mail or cartoon animal costumes or a mixture of both! Today there were about 20 of them in shorts and t shirts, I guess it was too hot for the costumes.

I was quite surprised to see them all out there and immediately thought blip!! This was the best view I could get without running down there and scaring them by taking photos ;)

If you look closely through the air conditioning units you can see them way in the back.... en garde!

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