Friday sunset

Was definitely worth getting out and about this afternoon. Very unusual to have clouds at this time of the afternoon. Was a bit humid though but not too bad when just out of the car for a few minutes

Corona Virus Update
Bahrain recorded 119 new cases, 3 fatalities and 215 recoveries today

BAHRAIN recorded the lowest ever Covid-19 ‘test positivity rate’ of 0.93 per cent
Bahrain’s average test positivity rate which was 5pc in February and 4.5 in March went up to 6.3pc in April. It shot up to 11.4pc in May
Bahrain ranks first in the GCC in Covid-19 vaccination rates, with almost 68 per cent of the population fully inoculated.
Bahrain has vaccinated 1,017,365 citizens and residents with both doses of a vaccine until last night, while 1,082,604 have taken at least one shot. A total of 80,195 people have taken booster shots as well.
The UAE follows close behind with 65.3pc of its people receiving two doses of a Covid-19 vaccine
Kuwait has vaccinated 22pc of its population, Qatar 54pc, Saudi Arabia 6pc and Oman 5pc.

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