Life through the lens...

By ValC


Far too wet for an outside photo as it has rained none stop since early morning. Very humid, so good growing weather as long as we get some sun later in the week.

So decided to try a shot for Mono Monday with a 60’s theme for July, and today entitled
“ Far Out”.
We haven’t many things left from that era, but I have kept this little sugar bowl.
Once part of a coffee set which we received as a wedding present in 1967.
Designed by Susan William - Ellis for Portmeirion Pottery, and entitled “ Totem”.
It was quite “ far out”. for it’s day.
( See extra.)
Sorry to see England loose last night.
However we should all be very proud of the young team. They did exceptionally well to reach the final, and when all is said and done they only lost by one penalty.
Instead of feeling down hearted we should all give them a big cheer.

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