KAGURA SUZU "god-entertainment bells"

Today was the last HANATOURO Day and the last Odori performed by the 5th Hanamachi, GION HIGASHI.

KAGURA SUZU are a set of bells used in Kagura dance. The three tiers of bells are suspended by coiled brass wires. The shape of the bells are thought to have been inspired from the fruits of the ogatama tree.

KAGURA DANCE is a specific type of SHINTO theatrical dance-with roots predating those of NOH. Once strictly a ceremonial art derived from KAMIGAKARI ("oracular divination") and CHINKON ("spirit pacification"). Today it is very much a living tradition, with rituals tied to the rhythms of the agricultural calendar.

The dance begins with the MAIKO jingle the bells to woke up the KAMI. Notice how the MAIKO is looking ahed to the SHRINE to see if the KAMI are waking up.

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