Sunflower Extraordinaire

Pilates on the office floor. Spike nicked the ball used to roll the bottoms of my feet and it rolled underneath the desk when he dropped it, thus demonstrating that the floor IS tilted. 

Coffee at Trail House with Larry who brought his adorable little dog, Sadie. Spike was a jerk, lunging at her and justifiably putting her off. She responded admirably by ignoring him. Spike may be a house pet if he doesn't get the message pretty soon.

Complex negotiations on the phone with my 'Italian' niece, Annie and her daughter Emma who were here visiting Annie's mother at Sea Ranch. They are flying from Santa Rosa down to Southern California where they will spend the rest of their summer. They have a small window in which we hope to arrange a meeting. It also happens to be the only day of the week that we have several appointments and only one car to ferry everybody around. This sounds like a job for UBER.

Around 2 o'clock we heard a lot of airplane activity above us and heard sirens. We sniffed the air and scanned the horizon for smoke but all seemed quiet. John thought one of the planes was a big tanker. Our guts contracted and our hearts beat a bit faster (well, mine did) but the planes receded into the distance and all remained quiet.

We revisited our conversation about investing in a water tank....they are becoming a more prevalent part of the landscape in rural areas like this which depend on wells for water. The biggest problem is deciding where to put it. They are 10' in diameter and 10' feet tall and not especially attractive but it surely would supply some peace of mind.... 

This sunflower has been developing in one of our veggie boxes for quite awhile. But I looked up there and realized that during our milder heat wave it had burst forth in all it's glory. Zoom in for a better look at the complex arrangement of tiny flowers and pollen in the center. There's also a bee.

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