Not A Good Way To Sleep.

We went out for a walk to feed the ducks, once the weather had warmed up.

When we got back, Mia sat down to have a couple of biscuits.  Next thing I knew she was fast asleep.

I tried to move her, as I couldn't let her sleep like that, but she woke up.  And then she didn't want to go back to sleep again.

She wanted to make cakes.

So we've made cupcakes and a muesli slice.

But I hope she's not sickening for something.  As she had very red cheeks ( I thought this was from playing outside).

She also told me her throat felt funny.  And at times she told me she couldn't get warm.

We spent most of our time in the dining room, which is the warmest room in the house.

She's been lively enough.  But then kids usually are.  Even when they are sick!

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