Sandwiches And Ice Cream---It's Summer in Texas!

We have been blessed the last several days with below normal temperatures, but that doesn't mean it hasn't been hot and humid.  It has just been less hot than usual.  That said, the 55+ group had our sandwich and ice cream social where we ate,talked and laughed together.  We were joined near the end of our meal by a group of our youth and their leaders who have been doing mission work locally this week to hear what their experiences had been,  Before they left to go have their meal, we prayed with them for our church and their work for the rest of the week.  After they left, we enjoyed a mini-concert of original songs by Brett Lemming as he accompanied himself, first on guitar and then, on ukulele.  I hope you were there to enjoy the blessings.  If you weren't, we missed you and hope to see you next time.............

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