Double Shot Mummy


Baby Sensory and the swimming season has begun!

We went for a luscious swim this afternoon. Just Oscar, Bailee and I. The natural pool temperature was like a bath. I noticed how much the twins have grown in their togs. When we got these U.V. suits about a year ago for a trip to France, we couldn't keep the pants up on Oscar and they were very long on them both!

It was very relaxing, the twins (Especially Oscar), were even more confident than I remembered they were around Christmas time.

In the morning I took Maple to Baby Sensory at the Dubai Marina Yacht Club. She hasn't been to any classes just for her, as she tends to tag along with the twins! This was a wonderful opportunity to have some one-on-one quality time with my baby girl.

The class itself was unique. I have been to MANY different classes over the past three years from when Oscar and Bailee were teeny. A lot of effort is put into the preparation of the classes and as a result it did evoke all the senses! Maple got to smell cinnamon and orange, play with'oatmeal' sand. She got to touch loofah and stones. There was a pool full of sea creature toys, scarves for waves and even a big sheet that got dangled over the babies with 'seaweed' hanging from it. Can you guess it was a beach theme? There was also an area set up with various stations for 15 minutes of free play.

Overall, Maple was absorbed by the class. She was probably a little over stimulated and was asleep in the sling within 30 seconds of being put in it after the class! We are going to keep going as I loved that time with her and I think she will get even more from the class once it becomes more familiar.

I finally managed to find a local tailor to fix my sling. Fingers crossed the new stay stitches solve the problem of the waist band rolling around within the fabric.

Oscar has only had one accident in the past three days (A poo aka chocolate muffin one). He never goes when you ask him to. We told him if he needs to, to run to the toilet. He took it literally and now runs to the toilet and does it all himself when necessary. I can't believe how quick his brain has made the shift. He is dry for his naps (Something Bailee has only been for 2 months of her 14). I think it helped waiting with him until he was that much older. Well done Ga!

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