Particles & Waves

By EdwardFenner

Traditional Canadian Sugar Shack awaits customers

This is the log cabin sugar shack where Linda and I often go this time of year. The maple sap is running and their are pancakes to be had with fresh maple syrup tapped all around the cabin. Hemlock tea, sumac tea, maple coffee, and hot chocolate were to be had. I had the sumac, Linda the maple. I got the drinks and sat but the corner table (our usual) opened up so I snapped a photo and we moved there.

It was very busy, despite what this photo shows. There must have been a good 30 or so inside the cabin and another 30 or so outside. Maybe more. Our timing was good. A busload (or equivalent) came in and were lined up out the door. We were done so we wandered around the sites outside.

More photos here.

As we left the wagon came in bearing an all-Asian contingent. There were buses outside by the road so they were getting busloads in. They were all about the age of 18-20 so I'm thinking they were either from a community outing or something like we do at my office (York University's international office) where we have outings for our foreign students to show them some Canadian history, cuisine, and some fun. And fun they were having judging by their laughing and waving at me on the wagon ride into the sugar bush as we were walking back to the car.

Linda's blip from the window at left.

Horton's Tree Farm and Maple Sugar Shack.

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