Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Just stand there babies ..

Yes ... Just there .. Mummy wants a photo ..
I am truly awful ;)
Thankfully my children love me for my lax parenting skills and also they are joyus at the fact it's like living with another child who has access to their fathers money ;)

Today I stayed in bed and read my book until
10.30 am... We walked the pooches.. Did some faffy jobs ... Went to the shops where Mr W brought me some clothes .. Then we went and purchased our Sunday lunch of beef and pork .. Like a giant meat platter ...
Ohhh I brought a new cheese grater too,for added excitement .. And a picnic box ... It's so awesome it shall deserve a blip in the future ....
Now we are lounging on the sofas watching 'got to dance ' ... I need a creme egg.

ps... Lucy has the look of 'Simon Cowell' and his trousers... they are waterproof ones and they come up a bit high waisted....
pps for local people,the picture is taken on the Greenway past Milcote and on the way to Long Marston.

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