
Not very descriptive of the day but I hadn't taken any photos until I got home.

Main part of the day was spent down in Burray doing hoof trims, accompanied by 58 billion flies. 

The horse owners had offered me a play about on the cross country course and originally I was going to take George. However after his last couple of trips out where he was tricky to load on the home bound journey, I took the easier option of Jeepers.

For the first time in his life with me, Jeepers actually acted like a fiesty Thoroughbred! He bucked, cantered on the spot and napped for little reason. His brain was totally blown. He came down a notch or two as we went on and relaxed into it a bit more.

Before I packed up for home, we used my trailer to work on a tricky loader... And with not too much time, managed to get her loading happily with me and then the owners. Spot on.

Jeepers returned to his herd to decompress. Me home to Gorgeous for dinner to do the same.

Brilliant day. 

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