
Hardly a cloud in the sky and slightly cooler than yesterday with a bit of a breeze - perfect.
I had no option to go to the Health Walk by bike as Mr Rat had the car all day (visiting a friend on the opposite side of the country) and decided I had time to give the bathroom a thorough clean first. It would have been fine but then I had a phone call and ended up having to leave it mid-clean to answer the phone and then get ready. 
I just made it in time though would have  been better if someone had used the left filter at the lights and made the queue short enough for me to get through the first time they changed!
After the walk we had a cuppa by the old bowling green and these grasses caught my eye.
As I was out I came home a longer, but pleasanter, way on some country roads - though there were more hills.
In the afternoon I sat out with my sewing, cut back a holly tree and managed to burn hard-boiled eggs! (that's a first, I really shouldn't have gone outside without switching off the cooker).
Watched the Tour de France end of stage - better weather here - and now catching up with various things. 

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