If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

Round Leaved Sundew (Drosera rotundifolia)

The Penrith support group of the Cumbria Wildlife Trust had scheduled a walk ay Eycott Hill Reserve.  The reserve is unusual in that it is an upland habitat and has the "Eycott Hill Lavas" adding geological interest.  I had heard of the Eycott Hill Lavas while still at school.

When we arrived a group was also assembling for a survey of the wild flower meadows.   This for a while caused a bit of a mix up.  A bit like the famous occasion when a blipper at a blip meet got mixed up with a birthday party.

Eventually we sorted our selves out the surveyors departed to their quadrats and we started our walk.  We spotted various flowers as we wandered along.  Sundew was mentioned as we walked across a board walk.  One of the party mentioned recently having searched the area beside the walk and been unable to find any.  I glanced sideways and thought surely that red among the Sphagnum is Sundew.  I was right.

If you have never come across Sundew it is a carnivorous plant.  If you look at the blip you will see tiny droplets on the end of "hairs" being sweet this attracts the insects which are then trapped by the sticky substances exuded by the plant.  Enzymes then digest the insect providing nutrients not available from the bog.

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