Sweet Potato Sky

By sweetpotatosky


Went to our second Jack and Jill sale this morning at Meadowbank Stadium. We went to one about a month ago but got there too late and it was too busy and all the good stuff was gone. This time though, we were successful! Got a crib with two sets of bedding for a great price, a bouncy chair (that we had been looking at new in Mothercare only yesterday and were going to go back for today-glad we didn't!), a baby pair of Converse and a couple of Baby Einstein DVDs (which I'm sure don't work but at a pound it was worth giving them a go!!).

We also popped into TK Maxx and were, once again, so disappointed at the girls and boys sections and how you can't get anything for girls unless its pink and twee. So we defiantly got two onesies from the boys section (including the above) that were far cuter in my opinion.

Then went to Pizza Express for lunch and then to see Baby C from Fridays blip. He's just as cute but has changed quite a lot and is definitely bigger. Thank goodness M is getting to take Baby C home tonight. I think she was going stir crazy in the ward!

Then home and chilled out for the afternoon. :)

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