Stitching in the sun

I am not a summer person: summer is not 'my' season. As soon as the temperature rises, I retreat. However, one thing I do love about summer is the light. To be able to read/write/sew with real sunlight is a joy. And that's what I did today. Sadly I can't do all those things at the same time, but a lot of each is great. 

Friday is sewing day. I spend the morning catching up with my own sewing and then, at 12, Anne appears and gives us the theme for the next tag. I am catching up after being away, so this stitching is last week's tag - woven and wrapped wheels. As the wrapped is the same stitch as the Dorset Button I used a week ago I knew what to do. (The completed tag is in extras.)  

And this week's tag? Messy! I don't do messy, so am thinking of ways round it. Sorting out the chaos . . . if only!!

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