Success rate

I think Missy's success rate at catch is quite possibly good enough to get her into the England team next time it goes to penalties.

A lot of plate spinning today.
Partnership meeting to finalise a payment schedule for MHNW's first official funding, look like Walks will go live September.
Sample Wellness Walks tops ordered.
I'm narrowing down my (theoretical) research project. It has to be about image sharing on social media - so I'm potentially looking into the hypothesis that the desire for 'wow' content leads to higher levels of risk taking by individuals in extreme situations.
Wasted trip to town for daft reasons.
More tree work done in the garden - can already see its going to make a real difference to some areas.
Emergency first aid and tlc given to Mrs IttH who managed to gash her scalp.
Late Missy walk, far too hot for a little doggie today.

Philosophy Friday
"It's not enough to be busy, so are the ants. The question is, what are we busy about? "
Henry David Thoreau

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