same shit, different child

Seeing as we would otherwise have been in the approximate vicinity of other people from Sunday, I'm glad we picked up the wee one's incipient infectivity. We were given a large stack of test kits when we went last week so I had been intending to check us all for at least the last two days before releasing ourselves. There was a report from one of their colleagues of a secondary infection only emerging on the last day of isolation, and another in the same after-school group who first tested positive on Wednesday. As of the time of writing there's no confirmatory PCR yet, but I'm reasonably confident of my LFD-swabbing technique by now. I also discovered firsthand why it's important to get rid of excess mucus, as the large one's first test became void when the snot on the swab-stick evidently flagged it up too much to flow along the device, even though the single droplet squeezed out of the wee plastic tube consisted of the entire contents in a single drip...

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