Family day to remember Vicky

We enjoyed an Indian takeaway last night with #2 daughter. (Sadly her husband was in Ireland for his 94 year old Granny’s funeral - it was to be only him, his parents and his brother).

The boys were impatient for their cousins to arrive in the morning. We had lunch and cake for what would have been their Auntie Vicky’s 50th birthday then we did one of her favourite things, go for a swim at the beach. It was 29 in the shade - she would have loved it. Even though #3 daughter and I had no wetsuits once we got in the North Sea was fine and we stayed in ages. Mr C had forgotten his stuff so was left to look after our stuff and that of a couple of German students who were trying to see a bit of UK before they went home. They said it was too cold to swim - they just cooled off at knee depth.

Ella and Nathaniel got very good school reports. (Thomas and James did too and are on holidays now but #3 daughter, Ella and Nathaniel don’t break up till next weekend. Plenty of time for Covid to strike once masks are off on Monday). Both are doing well and Ella is a diligent student who works hard. Nathaniel, though achieving well, needs to stop chatting in class and to listen. His granddad’s boy.

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