
Have found it strange this weekend not to have any plans - been looking forward to it but it's been a bit disconcerting! I feel like I have wasted it really but I guess it's a good thing - we have been so busy sorting out my dad's bungalow etc, and the next few weekends are really busy ones.

We went for a walk in the park this morning, and tried to get Lottie riding her bike. She so nearly got there - did a little bit on her own but as soon as she realised she took her feet of the pedals, and wouldn't do it again! Didn't get many shots but this is one of the better ones.

This afternoon has been a foody one - a sausage buttie for lunch, baked a rather flat sponge and an Eve's pudding, and then cooked a roast.

Just sitting down with a glass of wine now to try and relax a bit before a week of work, looking forward to a weekend in the Midlands next week.

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