Japanese Fishing Hut

This Japanese hut has been completely rebuilt locally. It’s not quite finished yet. If you want to see the history and how it looked recently click on https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-guernsey-50502351
We’ve had a lovely day….we went to our 9.30am meeting at church then up to the park for La Viaer Marchi which is usually a huge event but has been on a smaller scale over two days. Local produce is sold and various crafts can be seen being done. A bean soup call Bean Jar is sold along with other Guernsey delights. It’s a lovely social event. Look in extras for photos. At 4.30 it was back to the park for a church picnic. So many folk came and the children (lots of them) enjoyed having their faces painted, the men and teens played football and the women chatted. It was lovely. Then home and we sat in the garden enjoying the last of the glorious sun for today!

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