Musings of a Mortal

By KennyRiley

Buddleia on the Beach

After another Day Shift, and once tea was consumed myself and Mrs R decided to head out for a walk..... and as it was a really pleasant temperature, it was good to get out and not be "melting" as soon as you walked outside the house!!

We headed down to the front and wandered along towards the Rail Bridge with me telling Mrs R about my next proposed swim route (I think boredom set in quickly for her at this point!!)

Anyway, as we were wandering, we came across this buddleia tree (or is it a bush??) that I had not been aware of before but the colours of the flowers were fab.... and the smell coming from it was great.

I can share the scene.... the smell...well that will just have to remain with me as the "Tinterweb" is not sophisticated enough to share that one!!

Mibbees not a bad thing either :-))

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