
By cowgirl

Sod’s Law ?!

Out for lunch with my mum, Sav and his mum for my mum’s birthday.

My brother was ‘pinged’ by the NHS app last Tues so has had to self isolate, despite not being with anyone on the day he was supposed to have been in touch with someone with covid and having had 2 jabs.

Ridiculous to not allow people who have had both shots to take the lateral flow test to see if they have it and carry on working if they test negative. Apparently we’re still months away from that, although Mr Johnson thought it would be ok for him to do that at the weekend! After a national outcry he decided he should isolate like everyone else has had to do.

Anyway …

We ate a good lunch and returned our respective mothers to their homes. As it’s about the hottest day of the year so far, everyone was pretty flaked out. We lounged on the sofa watching the T20 cricket. We may have snoozed a bit too …

Checked the weather in the evening as I’m going to be up a mountain in Ebbw Vale from Thurs to Mon … well, would you just look at that … *groan*!

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