Canterbury Cathedral

Many have trod here
Souls filled with awe and wonder
Gazing heavenward.
Their soles record their passing
In the polished stone below.

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We took the caravan up to Canterbury and spent the weekend with Sue (aka 54Daisies) and Adrian. Canterbury is a special place and dear to my heart as it's where I went to University and met many true friends.

After a pub lunch we dashed to the Cathedral to catch choral evensong. A truly breathtaking experience of beautiful singing in this magnificent building. Afterwards we wandered around the cathedral.

I have been in the cathedral many times - it's not a pretty building, but is quite awesome in its scale and history (originally founded in 597, rebuilt in 1070ish, then rebuilt again following a fire 1174. Famously the site of the murder of Thomas A'Becket in 1170.). I think the best way to get a feel for the size of it is to look down at the town from a high point such as the university campus. Then you can see the medieval street patterns and the tumble of buildings, with the cathedral in the centre like a model in the wrong scale.

Anyway, the thought that always strikes me while walking round is of all the people have trodden these stones over hundreds of years, all with their own thoughts, worries, dramas, hopes and dreams. So I find the the floor as awe inspiring as the high vaulted roof.

The chairs were all set out in readiness for the investiture of the new Archbishop of Canterbury this coming week.

Very behind on comments due to being away and events of last week .... will catch up soon I hope

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