
By jojobunny

Cheshire Cat?

I was late, late, for a very important date.....

On an errand, driving on a main road when the color gold caught my eye, high up in a tree. I slowed down and noticed a very handsome gold and white cat, with a striped tail, sitting on a branch. I stopped and took a few photos of him, hoping he wasn't stranded, but only hanging out for the morning.
On my way back a few hours later, I passed him again, still sitting there. I wondered if anyone knew he was up there, beside me. Early this evening my curiosity got to me, so I drove back to the spot where the cat sat. Sure enough, he's still there, meowing and looking at me to save him.
I decided to call the fire department and animal control officer to try to get him down. I hope they were able to help the poor little guy!

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