Dodgy Day

Monday and walking with the "B" team looked a bit dodgy. The WX report on my dPhone said rain, and there was a lovely movie playing in the background showing rain dripping off leaves, in case you didn't get the message but The Boss phoned A of acyclinggranny fame, who BTW is the boss of the "B" team, and between them they hatched a scheme that would take us round the base of Mt Iron and never far from shelter if we needed it.

As it happened we didn't need it, (shelter that is) and we all had a great walk where The Boss even had to shed a layer or two. Hey we had 2 dogs this morning with SAM belonging to J of atravellingkiwi fame. Sam is only a pup so I had to show him how to walk at lead properly and I got a reward for this from J who thinks I didn't know she had a pocket full of treats. (Are you kidding) . Grreat precedent here I thought.

The day stayed fine and got warm and this shot was grabbed at Skurr heights where there is a new sports field being built (behind this hill) as we worked our way back to the cars and the usual coffee break for THEM not ME. Sam went home.

Breaking news. The Boss has discovered that the images on his computer screen are really sharp. say? Well it appears that his close vision had changed so he now has a new pair of specs called "Home and Office" that shift the emphasis to closer stuff without seriously messing with the distant stuff, altho he will still wear his old ones outside Cos they are photochromic, he can take pictures with them I think...NO not with the glasses...with a camera...err...I mean...oh never mind.

Anyway he is a happy Boss and has re-discovered the rapturous delight of my curls, now in sharp focus, courtesy of his iPhone.

Ain't technology grand?

Home and here

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