Orla and Conor

This is the moment that Orla got to hold her little brother for the very first time. She is absolutely delighted with him. Gran and Papa brought her in to see him after nursery today. She told everyone at nursery that her baby brother had arrived and that his name is Conor. Her teacher gave her the nursery camera for her to take some pictures and do a show and tell next week. I think she feels very special being a big sister!

Conor was given his paediatric checks today. Everything was fine except his blood glucose levels. The first couple were borderline hypoglycaemic, so I had to buzz for a midwife before each feed and then an hour after so they could take him to the neonatal unit for heel prick tests. The two done in the afternoon were fine, but then the evening ones started to trend down again. We had thought we might get home today, but in the end we had to stay to allow more observation. After we came back from neonatal at midnight, the midwife told me that they had a bed on the post-natal ward for me. It was about 1am by the time we actually went through there. Conor needed one more BM done and was looking for a feed around 2, so he was taken away for a little while then. It and the previous measurement were both fine, so the midwife said we'd be getting away in the morning. We both actually managed to get some sleep after that!

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