
Spent the best part of today looking after Louis while Jodie did a few bits and bobs getting ready to go on holiday on Friday morning. We had a few tears, but overall he was very good, especially for a lockdown baby.

Last day of term for his brothers and Jodie had arranged for a last day party for a few of their friends, it's been a horrible school year for them. Prosecco for the Mums while the children played in the garden, see extra to  see the fun that awaited them! This is not the garden she envisaged, but with 3 boys I think necessary. Then Dominos pizzas for tea. She was wondering if it was a bad idea getting its all sorted, quite stressful.  I said it's creating wonderful memories for them so just enjoy.

Meanwhile Hayley was waiting on a covid test result for Emmeline to come back. She was sent home from pre school yesterday with a cough, so they were in isolation again. Thank goodness it was as she suspected 'negative', just a summer cold. They are off on holiday on Friday with Jodie and family, so was a little on edge about it all.

Hayley's school have 20 staff off, and of course she became one of them yesterday and today. 10% of the pupils have covid, 40% are self isolating, of the remaining 50% half of those are being kept off by the parents because they don't want to be 'pinged' just before a family holiday. Utter chaos,  I've advised Hayley to keep Emmeline off tomorrow so as not to risk a 'ping' just as they are heading off on a well deserved holiday. It's a shame as it's Emmeline's last day and lots of special things happening, but I think the holiday more important. Don't know if she will take my advice.

I wanted to record this here for our memories of this dreadful time, it doesn't affect J and myself too much being retired, and at the moment we're pretty much tied to home with an elderly dog anyway. Will it ever end?

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