Over & Out

I went to meet Sole for coffee first thing this morning, but she'd forgotten! So a coffee and tostada and a half hour of peace...
Later in the morning we went to meet Natalia and Jose from school. They own a flat they rent out and there's a community pool, so we spent time there which was fun! It was actually great as Asha slept funny on her neck and has been in quite a lot of pain, but the water and distraction helped ease it no end. We left to go to her dental appointment after her broken off baby tooth saga... embarrassingly everything was fine and what had looked like the broken of part was just the new tooth coming through - ha! 
Home for aloe vera after too much sun, and movies...and then later walkie talkie fun. It led to a lot of confusion as Nate somehow tapped into the Zara clothes store (just down from us) airwaves and proceeded to cause confusion!! Hilarious!! They were saying 'who is this boy?!' and he kept saying 'who are you, who are you?!' So funny!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) There being no problem with Asha's tooth. 
2) Time with Natalia. 
3) Friend's coming back negative after time with a friend who's just tested positive for Covid. 

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