
By Bradders

My phone decided to die yesterday which was actually quite stressful. For one I don't know what to do without it, but the main reason is that I have so much to do now in Perth when I get back appointments with work, mentoring, visas, taking the car into the garage and getting it fixed, my vaccine, collecting things, preparing for work... All of which I manage from my phone.

It kinda decided to live again today, but I think I will still get a new one when I get back.

Yesterday was mostly a travel day, we did stop off at some nice places but I didn't have a phone to take a picture.

We are now in shark bay at another campsite.

This morning we went over to Monkey Mia for a wild dolphin feeding/swimming experience but unfortunately they didn't show up, it was still a nice morning and I took a visa consultation phone call standing on an underwater sandbar at 830 in the morning sun.

We drove into Francois Peron national park famous for its flat blue waters and flat red earth and flat orange sand. It was a very nice place to be, beautiful and calm.

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