River of Flowers

By doffy

Thursday: Cladding Update ...

Another very hot and very busy day for our builders.
Cladding making great progress, every section has to be measured and cut precisely, I'm full of admiration for our guys!
Made lots of teas and coffees which they drank in the coolness of the garage.
Surprise Ancestry message from a “cousin” in Singapore and a surprise phone call from my chum Eileen … the Tuesday Gang may be meeting up …
Weather clouded over late afternoon and stayed that way into evening.
I washed the very large living room curtains and got them dried outdoors, one at a time - in case they broke the washing line :-(
MrD cut the grass and I filled the green bin with the very overgrown yellow flowered jasmine on the front drive - did a lot of reading too, indoors in the coolness of the upstairs bedroom.
If you prefer flowers ... see extra ...
Stay safe & healthy & happy everyone :-)
Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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