
By BernardYoung

Some Like It Hot...And Blurry

Today I’m in a movie,
or a film as we call it here,
and I’m going from room
to room,
and you’re seeing everything
from my point of view.
Look, here’s the teapot
and here’s the cupboard door
and I’m opening it
and taking out a cereal bowl,
the blue one,
the one that’s chipped
but before I pour any cereal into it
I put it down
and pick up the envelope
that I really must post today
(with the address blurred
so you don’t know
where it’s being sent
- bit of a mystery here,
perhaps all will be revealed later
or perhaps it won’t, maybe
it’s going to be one of those
sorts of films, movies)
so I head to the door,
open it
and sunlight pours in
shining on the lens
and we’re all temporarily blinded
and then I’m out
and into the street
and crossing a road
and I reach the post box
and things get blurry from here
and I’m heard muttering something
about the heat
and that it’s all too late now anyway
but the diector shouts ‘Cut, this is
no good, we’re going to have to start again.’
‘From the beginning?’
‘Yeah, from the beginning.’
‘Shit! Film making is so tedious.’

‘Roll camera…’

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