jez' pics

By snappinjez

Introducing, Reciffor!

This little guy was from Dungeons and Dragons, during my school days and very nerdy phase. I loved playing it and, as you can see I was a wizard.
I got the name from my friend who advised my to open a book at random, and the first word I saw spell it backwards and make that your name. "Officer" was the word, and with a little tweaking we came up with this really cool name. If you're a D&D nerd.
Anyway, I don't play D&D anymore but kept my little character.

You may not be aware of this, but I quite like squash. Had lucky win today against the club no.1. Actually I completely trounced him 3-0 but he was totally off his game, but I'll take the win and the points. (So much for not end gaining, focusing solely on winning).
The Canary Wharf Classic (squash tournament) starts today. Just FYI.

I go back to work tomorrow, after 2 weeks off for having my wisdom tooth out. Playing seems ok, but for 6 hours? There's only one way to find out...

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