#749... Sunset...

It's been a very big busy week here...
On top of Ruben's running and a return visit to the dentist to pick up his new mouthguard...
I've had medical appointments...
Monday I went to have my follow-up mammogram and Ultrasound only to be told I was booked in for Tuesday...
Tuesday. - I went back..
Wednesday I had a phone call from my Oncologist - which has resulted in me agreeing to stopped taking the hormone blocker medication for 6 weeks but still keep taking my antidepressants and he'll phone me in 6 weeks and we'll have another discussion..
Thursday afternoon I went to see my GP and chat about how I'm feeling... *hand me a straight jacket*
Friday morning - I went to visit my wonderful Breast Surgeon for my results... As soon as he officially says N.E.D I have a big sigh of relief... Those 3 letters mean so much... No Evidence of Disease... Almost 3 years Breast Cancer free... Other good news is my 2 Seromas have dissolved... I still have Lymphoedema in my breast but I'm keeping it under control with massage and a spikey ball... He's confirmed it's best to take some time off the hormone blocker and let my body fully adjust to the antidepressants and then relook at everything...
My Oncologist, GP and Breast Surgeon are all aware that I'm not happy coming of the hormone blockers because I'm so scared of Breast Cancer returning before I make 5 years but they are professionals in their fields and I trust them to know what's best and I promised not to take them for 6 weeks, so I've packed them away so I don't see them... Roll on 6 weeks...

As my Breast Surgeon says Breast Cancer is a journey and it's not easy going at times but we fight on...

I'm so glad tomorrow is parkrunday and I get to volunteer...

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