The second half of life..

By twigs

Swallow #3

It was such a beautiful, warm (well - mild!), still day I simply had to head to the Boulder Bank ponds to indulge my current infatuation.  Pleased to say that my hit rate is improving though I'm still not happy with my settings.  Today I tried a pre-focus technique, setting the focus to a manual and dialling it in to a preferred distance then tracking an (out of focus) bird until it enters the focused zone.  That seemed to work quite well but I was getting frustrated at not being able to respond to other opportunities........

Also tried standing up which had good effect as it reduced the edge-of-the-water reed mess quite a bit and enabled me to get more of a clean background.  The down though - looking down on the birds a bit more than I would like.

Still - 2 more techniques to add to the arsenal and draw on when needed.  Have to confess though, I really am loving the challenge these birds are providing.

PS This fella would have been more centred except that he was just about out of the frame when I captured him.  They move so fast I don't keep up with them very well :(

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