Where's the sun gone?

M and me went to a new shop today called the 'Company' shop where they sell surplus stock from shops such as Asda, Tesco, Sainsbury's, Marks and Spencer, Waitrose and Morrisons and others at reduced prices as some of the sell by dates are quite close, you have to be a member to go in (which I am) we only went to have a little look what people have been raving about but ended up with a big basket full of things. We also took some more bags of items to the charity shop and managed to pick up a few things that we can use in school. Back home for lunch although it was cooler today we still managed to eat it in the garden and then sit outside for a while until the sun went behind the clouds and we made our way back inside. Not looking forward to the scales in the morning as have eaten everything I shouldn't this week.

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