
On my way out to the market I startled a squirrel who was at the base of one of the trees picking up one of the Nut Man's cofferings. He dashed up the other side of the trunk and then glared down at me - I had the distinct impression that he wanted to swear but couldn't with his mouth full of hazelnut. Put me in mind of that drunken squirrel we once saw in Banbury.

Later spoke with DaveH, who'd just booked train tickets for the weekend after next - but he'd had a lot of trouble finding a seat since the trains were getting heavily booked, presumably for the Fringe and suchlike. When we thought about the maskless hordes he'd have to endure sitting next to and how likely he'd be to be 'pinged' again (or worse, actually catch the virus), it gradually dawned on us both that he would be much better not to make the (train) journey at all. So he was going to cancel the tickets asap, and I won't see him till I go down to pick him up at the end of August. What an absolute bummer.

The Pars, however, managed to win a fitba' match 4-1. Persevere!

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