the joy of 3

Antony and I woke up first this morning which is a rarity. We waited for the birthday boy to stir and were eventually joined by Eve and then Zeke. And we continued to wait until he eventually bounced out of his room, well rested and ready to party.

We had presents and pancakes and a visiting GG, yet more food, a play in Auntie Emma’s garden and then onwards to that most exotic of locations…. Huddersfield. It was the only place I could get tickets for a family swim/splash pool and it was actually superb. Isaac was in charge of dinner and he opted for a classy Five Guys. I think we can tick off birthday number 3 as a success.


1. Isaac of course;
2. Eve and Zeke being keen to make a fuss of their brother;
3. The prospect of an early night.

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