4 LUV of Life

By Russ

Pruning Rebirth

This yellow rose plant cost me 25 cents at Safeway sale 30 years ago. It was diseased last year and doing poorly. I was going to take it out and plant a replacement when my friend Jerry said just prune it back. I pruned it way back thinking what do I have to lose. It has come back better than it has been in 10 years.

I told my friends in 1964 that the only thing that would save the US economy would be another depression. Forty-nine years later we have gone through at least three recession but continue to make the same mistakes from corporate/banking creed and the poor attitude that the government is supposed to take care of me (it is not my fault). If the greedy attitude of ME FIRST of the the U.S.A. from the poor to the rich doesn't soon have some self pruning, our economy will fail and the world will follow us into a depression from which we will not recover.

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