My Life With Luna

By chrisA

A Green-veined White butterfly spent a lot of time this afternoon flitting from bloom to bloom on this flower (I don't know what it is).
We enjoyed a three and a half mile walk along the river this morning and then I decided to cut all of the grass ahead of the rain forecast for this afternoon but which didn't arrive.   It's been sunny today but much cooler and more comfortable than of late.
A strange thing happened in the garden this lunchtime, we came indoors about 1pm to prepare lunch which I ate outside on the patio accompanied by Luna of course.   When we went back into the garden around 2.30 I walked past my cabin and noticed a headless squirrel lying on the grass (it wasn't there earlier when I cut the grass).    So something caught it and ate the head whilst wewere not that far from the deadly deed.   I certainly didn't hear anything untoward and I'm surprised Luna didn't notice or hear anything either.    It was quite upsetting to see as I don't mind the squirrels coming into the garden really.

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