Dear Photo Diary

By rutherfordium


This is my friend Iain (also known as Beaker, though these days mainly only by me). We met when he was a first year PhD student and I was a third year undergrad working in the same lab. Even though I moved to a different lab for my masters year, we became good friends, sharing a love of Gideon Defoe pirates books, Friday afternoon bottles of champagne and 12 hour pub sessions on Six Nations rugby days. He moved to Scotland for a couple of years after his PhD but we still kept in touch, and he's been a really great help to me over the past couple of months, especially with furniture building!

Beaker called in this evening for a catch-up chat, and to tell me that he's got himself a new job, working for the EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council). The job is in England, so he'll be moving away in a week or so, just as I was getting used to having him around! I told him to give me his best serious face, and this is what we got :)

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