Citius - Altius - Fortius

This image is to commemorate the Tokyo 2020 Olympic games.

Future scholars will have to note that it took place in 2021, thanks to the current pandemic.

This certificate was awarded to me in 1960  for my part in a relay race.

In those days I could move without my knees creaking and even run if required.

The certificate is full of athletics history

The year 1960 saw the Games of the XVII Olympiad take place in Rome, Italy.

It was the last year that South Africa competed in the Olympic Games until the abolition of the abhorrent apartheid system and they were allowed back in 1992.

The certificate was signed, bottom right hand corner, by the School Principal, Howard Quail Davies.(1906 - 1993).

He was a South African hurdler and at the 1930 Empire Games he won the silver medal in the 120 yards hurdles event.

The Empire Games were the forerunner of the Commonwealth Games.

I remember that the school “volunteered” boys to help with the fund raising campaign to send athletes to the 1960 Olympics and I was one such sucker.

We stood in town and shook a collection tin in the face of passers by.

When they contributed, we gave them a sticker in recognition.

One woman placed a few small coins in my tin and pushing her chest towards this frightened schoolboy, asked me to place the sticker in a suitable place.

I blush to this day.

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