Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

In Medal Contention

A second member of Team Snowberry Clearwing showed up in the Arena today, giving an extra dash of incentive to Snuffy Snowberry to up his game.  You can see here that he is showing a solid 10 in his form - proboscis dipping into the nectar, both forelegs gently holding the blossom while the four hindlegs are tucked in close to his body - sheer perfection!  The only sight bummer was when his teammate Sneed tried to bump him off the podium.  We're going to ignore that.  While Team Snowberry was in the Buddleia Arena, Team Hummingbird Clearwing was in the Phlox Stadium working on their Speed Pollinating time trials.

Team Chippie are still working on their peanut relay and peanut shucking skills.  Team Cicada were warming up their reggae band while Team Hummie, who were all amped up on sugar water, careened around the stadium like a bunch of miscreants.  Yes, folks, it's another action packed AOG!

If you haven't been following the reports from around the globe, I'd encourage you to have a peek - I promise you'll have some chuckles and probably be very impressed by the AOG athletes not to mention the stellar reporting!
Day 1 - #aog211
Day 2 - #aog212
Day 3 - #aog213
Day 4 - #aog214
and Day 5 (today - #aog215)

In the world of the Tokyo Olympics, I was sorry to read that Simone Biles has bowed out of the Team competitions but completely respect her reasons.  I am happy that more athletes are speaking out about mental health issues now - it's real and it's been treated like a dirty little secret for far too long.  Sure, she's a world-class athlete, a role model, a superstar - but she is also a 24 year old human being.  Let's hope the media cuts she and  Naomi Osaka and other athletes who've spoken out about mental health some slack.    (okay, off my soap box now!)

Savoring the last of my dark with cherries and chili today...  


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