
It's been a busy day here at the Wildwood AOC venue . The aerial dance pavilion above the Rudbeckia was filled with butterflies from Team Buckeye warming up for the group, pairs and individual aerial dance events. Intense pressure is building because of the high expectations being placed on some members of this team. Team hummer was at the feeding station taking ion board as much sugar water  nutrition as possible in preparation for the demanding hovering event. They are feisty competitors and stop at nothing to intimidate even fellow teammates. Excitement is building inside the Rockwall Stadium as the first of the lizard events get underway. High expectations for the gold still rest with Larry Lizard although he hasn't been seen around the venue....

In addition to the athletes there is a very numerous group of 'facilitators'. They are largely unseen until you look closely. Then they can be found  directing the athletes, reminding them of the protocols, and tirelessly making sure that everything goes smoothly behind the scenes. They are the unsung heroes of the AOC, for it couldn't take place without them. This group of aphids are meeting at the fuchsia arena where there is little likelihood they will be interfered with by the athletes before they fan out over the entire venue to assist in any way they can. 

On the human side, it is John's birthday. We both forgot about it this morning until he had to ask Kathy the date for a check he was writing. I didn't forget about it entirely, because I ordered a night vision camera. It hasn't arrived yet, but when it does he can train it on what he thinks is a skunk hole above the front lawn and see if any skunks come out. I think it is probably more ground squirrels. Will is picking up pizza and salad  which we will eat while watching the real Olympic athletes testing the limits of human spirit and endurance and then having to answer dumb questions from a media spokesperson before they have even had a chance to catch their breath....

Perhaps we'll soon find out whether the will continue to put up with it........

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