
By LesTension


I don't think so. Who needs abstractions when you have beauty like this to look at?

Two Monarch butterflies (Danaus plexxipus) on the same Globe Thistle. I have seen lots of them this year but for many years prior they were hard to come by. As a baby biologist I'd see them every day during the summertime but loss of habitat had taken its toll on the population.

Eggs are laid on Common Milkweed (Asclepias syriaca) which is the only food their caterpillars eat. The sap of this plant is quite toxic...but not to the larvae. After pupating and turning into adults the toxicity of the sap remains in the adult. Predators soon learn to leave this critter alone. It helps to have a warning coloration as well.

This beautiful Lepidopteran all but disappears from the U.S. in winter as it migrates all the way to Mexico to overwinter. If you'd care to read about this marvel check the link: https://www.fs.fed.us/wildflowers/pollinators/Monarch_Butterfly/migration/

Clearest in Large.

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