This Little Princess....

..... has worn her crown and carried her wand all day.

She wore it to dancing, and then to the supermarket.

Her crown has stayed on her head.  And the wand helped her with her numbers and when playing ball.

It even came to school when we picked up Isabella.

But sadly, this afternoon, the wand got broken.

And so did Mia's heart.

She took it to Grandpa to fix, crying that 'I can't be a princess anymore.'

She still had the crown, but really wanted the wand.  Unfortunately, Grandpa couldn't fix it.  (Mummy will buy her another one tomorrow).

A sad end to such a happy day.

The extra is Isabella, jumping up and down on some bubble wrap.  It sounded like a load of fire crackers.

Mia had some bubble wrap too, but her photos were all blurred, as she was so busy jumping.

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