Wearing purple...

By 60plus

A quiet day...

...and a wet and chilly one! Temperatures down to 13 degrees here...
We had a slow start, then after lunch completed a quick errand in the car, and called for a coffee from the farm on the way back. 

Roy then fancied a walk - we went til the app announced the 1k mark, which is just over the dam wall, then turned round and came back. Caught up with a few people from the village on the way - we used to see them on our Covid walks, but haven't run into them since we have been biking instead.

We were going to do a bit of tidying in the garden when we got back, but the rain had really set in so we decided to leave it til tomorrow instead - the forecast isn't too bad. Shasta daisies and buddleia for Flower Friday - thanks Anni!

And a piece of rainy music for a change...

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