The first day of working season...

The first workday after vacation, I used it wisely and went to the office, plugged the laptop into the house network and started to pack my belongings. We all are moving to a new open office area soon.

To my misery there was no place open for lunch. The restaurant and small kiosk were both closed. Oh, I know that I could have taken an hour lunch break and ride by bicycle (between showers) somewhere and back, but I decided to stay, do my job, then leave home. Made nice vegetable - sausage - cheese fry for lunch.

Lazy afternoon. Waited for almost two hours for distant-clinic -doctor answering, as I got several insect bites on my legs on Monday and they still are red, sore and feel burning.

In the afternoon hubby called and told that he had found the geocache from Tokio, the one that I asked him to find in his nearest train station. It is ok to search and log it I guess, as this is our common hobby.

Later I decided to cook something fast and easy. The fly seemed eager to help me. I am not sure if it understood anything about the instructions, but I did and my fast food was eatable.

Thank you for reading this far and I hope you'll have a nice weekend!


Ps the Corona situation in Finland is that the delta variation rates are getting higher, we already are in march numbers. Helsinki area is leading again, but (our) Pirkanmaa region as well as Turku area both have high numbers. Problematic situation, as vaccination rates are high, but not yet high enough... The hospitals seem to cope this better now, as the most of the middle-aged and elderly people have been vaccinated already.

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